Terms & Condition, Privacy Policy & Disclosures


Please read these terms carefully – they apply to the use of this website by all visitors. If you choose to proceed with accessing our website, you shall be deemed to have accepted these terms.

India only

The pages on this website are intended for the use of an Indian resident only. If you are viewing this website from outside India, the respective overseas regulations may not allows us to provide one or more services to you in your respective country.


BanyanFA LLP and “the four essential boxes” logo are sole right of BanyanFA LLP (BFA). BFA may also claim rights in other trade marks, service marks, logos and icons contained on this site. All rights are expressly reserved.

Copyright, Access to the site and Our Rights

We are the owner of all rights with regards to the content on this website including the copyrights and other intellectual property rights.

The usage of this site is meant for personal and non-commercial purposes only. Any contents of this site may not be copied, extracted, published, reproduced, distributed in digital, paper or any other form what so ever without express consent of BFA.

BFA shall monitor the contents and usage of this site and shall not tolerate any access to this site which would be for commercial purpose or which results in damaging, corrupting, altering, interfering or causing any other harmful affects to the contents of the site, whether such content is password protected or is freely viewable.

You hereby agree that damages may not be an appropriate or adequate remedy for any breach to the terms of the usage and hence you agree that BFA is entitled to take any other actions such as injunction, specific performance and any other appropriate legal to provide relief against the infringement of the terms.

Account Creation and Deletion

BFA website and its mobile applications do not provide users an option to create their user access directly. The account access is setup after they are onboarded as BFA clients. No user can directly create their account on their own using our mobile applications (both Google Android and Apple iOS). If any user requests their account details to be deleted, they need to send us an email and their account information is deleted within 15 days from our systems. This will also result in deletion of their access credentials.

Accuracy and validity of information

While BFA takes all reasonable steps to confirm the accuracy of the information reflected in the website, BFA does not accept any liability for any errors or omissions. You are expected to perform your independent research before taking any decisions on the matters mentioned in the website. If you need any clarity on any of the information mentioned on our website, please feel free to contact us.


BFA takes all reasonable steps to make the website is accessible at most point of time. However, BFA will not be held liable if for any reason the website is not available for any period. This shall also include periods where the website is not accessible due to maintenance, whether on an emergency or on planned basis. However, BFA shall strive to keep the period of downtime to as low as possible. Further, BFA has the right to suspend this website and its services at any time it deems fit and shall not have any liability towards any person to maintain its availability.

Viruses & Malwares

While BFA takes reasonable steps to keep the website and its content free from viruses, defects, malwares or any other harmful codes, we cannot warrant that this would always be the case. BFA will not accept any responsibility for any problems , whether technical or otherwise, faced by the users as a result of using this website.

Third party websites

This website may also contain hypertext links to websites operated by third parties and which have no relationships with BFA. Such websites are beyond the control of BFA and the responsibility for the content and operation of such websites shall solely vest with the owners of the respective websites. BFA will not be liable any of the contents of these websites. The links may be provided for the convenience of the reader and should not be considered as BFA’s endorsement or recommendation of such site.

Mutual Fund Distribution Services

BanyanFA LLP is an AMFI registered Mutual Fund Distributor with registration number ARN-258420. It provide mutual fund distribution services and gets remunerated by the Asset Management Companies by way of Trail commission of the investments under their ARN code. At the time of the conversation with the client, we disclose this to the client for the specific schemes chosen in their portfolio along with range of commission earned by us on the fund categories. For transparency, the range of trail commission paid by the AMCs are in the below table. We are very conscious on the expenses in an investment scheme and where possible this forms a key part for us to assist the client in identifying a suitable scheme for their requrements.

Scheme CategoryCommission Range(%)
Liquid Funds0.05 to 0.20
Debt Funds0.20 to 0.75
Equity Savings Fund0.40 to 0.75
Aggressive Hybrid Funds0.70 to 1.25
Balanced Advantage Funds0.70 to 1.25
Flexi Cap Funds0.60 to 1.25
Mid Cap Funds0.80 to 1.25
Small Cap Funds0.80 to 1.25
Sectoral Funds0.70 to 1.25
Equity Index Funds0.40 to 0.70
International Funds0.40 to 1.10
The commissions disclosed above are subject to regular change by the AMCs. For any clarifications or if you wish to understand more on the expense ratios or the commissions paid by the AMCs, please contact us.

While assisting the clients to invest in mutual funds, we need to understand client specific requirements and based upon the suitabilty analysis, we assist clients with investment options which could be considered by them to meet their goals. The investment options are primarily driven by the investment requirements, time duration of investment and background information provided by the client. As a part of our service, we may be required to explain the product features, facts and risk attributes of individual schemes to the client. This is intended to provide sufficient information to the client to help them make their decision. However, this must not be considered as an investment advice.

Investment in Mutual Funds are subject to market and credit risk associated with investment in products. The data and information shared with the clients is believed to be reliable but BanyanFA LLP do not warrant for its accuracy and completeness. Further BanyanFA LLP shall not be liable for any loss to investors from the investments.

We are not a SEBI Registered Investment Advisor.


BanyanFA LLP will not be liable for any loss, loss of profit, savings, data or any direct or indirect damages in relation to the usage or reliance placed upon the contents of this website or even due to the unavailability of this website. BanyanFA LLP reserves the right to modify the terms of the usage of this website without any notice provided to you / reader and we recommend you to revisit this page on a regular basis to appraise yourself of the latest content of these terms.

Legal Jurisdiction This website shall be governed by Indian laws and shall be subjected to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Mumbai.